Can a tenant install a security camera outside or inside the apartment

Can a tenant install a security camera outside

Life in an apartment is like living in a cozy nest in the middle of a city jungle. However, this cozy nest sometimes feels a little exposed.

This is where security cameras come in useful. But hold on, tenants! Before turning your cozy nests into a secure fort, you must consider some legal issues surrounding apartment security cameras.

Can tenants install a security camera inside or outside the apartment? This question echoes in every corridor of rented apartments. 

The answer to this question is not simple. But don’t worry! In this article, we will look at issues regarding whether can a tenant install a security camera outside their apartment and whether if can a landlord have cameras outside the house.

Why do tenants need security cameras for the apartment?

Before getting into details, let’s look at some reasons why tenants need security cameras and should install them outside or inside the apartment.

Keep an eye on the landlord: The landlord often enters tenants’ apartments without prior notice to collect rent, maintenance, or repair work. In this case, security cameras will let you know if the landlord entered your apartment while you were away. Footage works wonders in case of an accident.

Uncertain activity around your apartment: Most people frequently concern themselves with unexpected knocks on their doors or weird footsteps during odd hours around their apartment. Installing a security camera can help you know who it is and help you take timely action.

Home invasion: Surveillance cameras act as a security measure and aid in identifying intruders in case of a home invasion.

Misplaced items in your apartment: Security cameras can assist in finding your lost belongings if you drop them in common spaces.

Secure deliveries for you: Frequently, tenants grow frustrated when they discover empty delivery packages. Cameras can capture such incidents on footage to identify the culprits involved, ensuring the safe and secure delivery of packages.

An overall feeling of safety: Tenants typically have certain weak points in their apartments, such as an aged window or an insecure balcony. A security camera strengthens security measures, adding extra protection and giving you peace of mind.

Live footage from your apartment: With a security camera, you can see live footage of your apartment whenever you are away, whether for work, vacation, or an errand. This provides a reassuring sense of security, even when you’re not physically present.

Can tenants install security cameras legally?

The Supreme Court has generally permitted tenants to use the exterior and common areas of the rented building. Ensure the building remains undamaged and all parties involved mutually agree.

Regulations and guidelines for installing a security camera vary based on whether it’s placed outside or inside an apartment.

Tenants typically have the right to place a security camera in their apartment if they follow certain rules. We will discuss them in the following section.

However, tenants encounter major hurdles when installing security cameras outside their apartments because these are considered public areas.

Can a tenant install security cameras inside their apartment?

Can a tenant install security cameras inside their apartment

Every resident of an apartment desires their living space to be safe and secure.

Who wouldn’t want to detect suspicious activity inside their apartment using a surveillance camera?

However, tenants are often unsure whether they have permission to install a security camera.

The answer to this question cannot be described in one sentence. Let’s explore it more and see in which condition you are allowed to install a security camera inside your apartment or in which you are not allowed to.

When is it allowed to install security inside your apartment?

It is most likely that your landlord will not object to you installing a security camera on the following two conditions. Let’s explore which security cameras are:

Wireless Security Cameras (WiFi security camera)

PoE Security Cameras

Wireless Security Cameras or WiFi security cameras: You’re in luck if you plan to install wireless security cameras that work with your WiFi. These cameras can be installed without drilling into your apartment walls or remodeling. You can stick it on any wall or door, and you’re done. It will monitor all the happenings in your apartment. If you are living with a roommate, ensure that the location where you are installing your camera respects your roommate’s privacy.

PoE Security Cameras: PoE (Power over Ethernet) security cameras are worth considering if you desire additional coverage with minimal hassle. These security cameras function with your apartment’s existing Ethernet cables. This will not require any wiring or cause any damage to the walls. By simply planning carefully, you can easily avoid the need to drill into your landlord’s property.

When is it not allowed to install security inside your apartment?

Permission Dilemma: Before you transform your apartment into a surveillance state, consider this: You need a green light from your landlord to install a security camera. After all, he’s not solely a rent collector but also a property owner.

If you choose to use services such as contract alarm systems, hard-wired security setups, or security cameras, you must obtain permission from your landlord.

Opting for these services and installing such security cameras without proper authorization can cause you to face some serious consequences.

Failure to obtain permission may result in being held responsible for any property damage, and your security deposit will be withheld. Therefore, permission is a MUST! 

Can a tenant install a security camera outside the apartment?

Can a tenant install a security camera outside the apartment

Residing in an apartment means sharing space and potential worries.

One of the most pressing questions is: Can a tenant install a security camera outside their apartment, like in hallways or common areas? This is a contentious subject, with varying answers concerning safety and privacy considerations. Let’s unravel the mystery and discover its meaning.

Tenants seeking additional security often consider installing a security camera outside their apartments. They most likely live alone or have young children.

In these circumstances, installing a security camera outside your apartment gives you peace of mind. It can even assist you in apprehending a package thief or identifying any suspicious activity.

However, this is more challenging than it sounds. In apartments, the most commonly shared areas, including stairwells, hallways, and lobbies, are considered shared spaces rather than personal spaces.

Installing a security camera in such spaces raises security concerns for other apartment residents, who feel they are being watched constantly.

In these circumstances, one cannot help but wonder, what is the answer?

Finding a balance between personal safety and collective privacy is the key to resolving this problem. Here are some factors you should consider.

Consult with your Neighbors: Before installing a security camera outside your apartment, talk to your neighbors. Engage in a conversation with them to discuss their security concerns and get their thoughts on the idea. Perhaps they can recommend a more effective security measure than you had in mind.

Get approval from your Landlord: It is important to get permission from your landlord, even if your neighbors have no issues installing a security camera outside your apartment. Request their approval and get it in writing. Ask if there are any particular regulations or restrictions that you need to follow.


Even if your neighbors have permitted you to place a security camera outside your apartment, this doesn’t give you the authority to record any areas you want. Respect everyone’s privacy, and don’t point your camera at other apartments or entrances. Position your security camera strategically to cover the area of your apartment only.

With landlord permission, tenants can install security cameras inside their apartments under certain conditions, such as wireless or PoE cameras. However, installing cameras outside the apartment requires careful consideration, consultation with neighbors, and approval from the landlord to balance personal safety with collective privacy.


  1. Can a tenant install security cameras?

    Tenants can usually install security cameras in their apartments but need their landlord’s permission first.

  2. Can a tenant record another tenant?

    A tenant can record another tenant depending on the laws in their area and the rules set by their landlord. Generally, recording someone without their permission might not be allowed because it could raise privacy issues.

  3. Can tenant install security system without landlord permission?

    The rules in a tenant’s lease and local laws determine whether they can install a security system without their landlord’s permission. Sometimes, it is okay to install essential security devices, but it’s always best to ask the landlord first to avoid any problems.

Glow Exo

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